Sunday, June 21, 2015

My Current MAC Lipstick Collection & Swatches with BONUS swatches!!!

Hey Loves,

Welcome back to my blog. I've been looking at my bathroom counter lately and trying to figure out if I can fit a lipstick holder due to my MAC lipstick collection growing which gave me this idea for this post. I figure since my collection is growing, I should show you my current collection with swatches!

My collection will guarantee continue to grow due to the fact that I am obsessed and in love with MAC lip products. I have a list of colors I would like to purchase soon. It's one of my addictions... I currently have 13 lipsticks. I have been growing my collection since 2011. I still have that lipstick and I still use it. What? It still smells like cupcakes so I believe its good.... Also, I have found out how you can tell when the lipsticks were made. I will post about it soon!

As you can see from the pictures below, I have basically stuck with the "normal" shades and have some bright or bold colors too. I tend to stick to more nude colors due to the work that I do. I wish I could wear bright and bold lip colors to work, but I actually like wearing them at home when I do my full makeup looks or just playing. I've been doing it since my first lipstick purchase. I'll also be doing a post on that as well so be on the look out. 

My current & growing collection :)

Here are the swatches on my arm. I am light/fair skinned with a yellow undertone. I have the colors going from lightest to darkest #nofilter. 

Swatches in direct sunlight

Slightly more close up of the colors in direct sunlight

Colors in the shade/not direct sunlight 

I personally feel that the colors in general look better and are more true when they are in the shade. Don't get me wrong, I love what they look like in direct sunlight, but it's true form that I am used to is in the shade or indoors. Also, that's how I swatched them before I bought them. (duhhh, crystal!) 

B O N U S ! ! !

Before we get started with this bonus round, I just wanted to say that I took all of these lip swatches on the same day during the prime time for natural lighting with no lip liner. It was SUPER hot and my lips were burning soo bad from the combo of swatches and the direct sunlight on them. Ahhh, the things I do for this blog... LOL! It was all worth it though! 

Again, I am light/fair skinned with a yellow undertone so these are what the colors look like on me. Also, please don't mind the way my skin looks. I was testing a foundation stick and you can already see what it does/doesn't do. Review will be up sometime in the near future. #nofilter!

Anyways, let's get to it shall we? 

*The names of the lipstick will be listed under the photo as well as the finish.* 

Cremecup (cremesheen)

Cherish (satin)

Viva Glam V (lusture)

Viva Glam II (satin)

Mehr (matte)

Velvet Teddy (matte)

Whirl (matte)

Candy Yum Yum (matte)

Heroine (matte)

True Love's Kiss (Maleficent Collection LE)

Ruby Woo (retro matte)
Stone (matte)

Cyber (satin)

D O U B L E  B O N U S ! ! ! 
1 mineralize lipglass & 1 pro longwear lipglass!!!

Lovingly Yours (mineralize glass)

Anthurium (Pro Longwear Lipglass Maleficent Collection LE) 

So did you all enjoy these swatches or what?! I sure did! I can't wait to see what my collection will look like by the end of the year! I was thinking that I could do one more by the end of the year because as I mentioned earlier, these are vice for my addiction. You can find all of these lip products on MAC's website with the exception of the limited edition Maleficent lippies. Sorry! 

Before we end, just a funny little story: while I was doing my swatches, I had all of the caps on top of my iPad out of the sunlight and during this I was using my mirror to put on the swatches. Well, remember the part in Toy Story when Sid uses the magnifying glass to burn Woody's forehead? Well I accidentally did that to my FIRST MAC lipstick, which is my Viva Glam II! I was swatching a lipstick and thought I smelled someone smoking a cigarette. Then I noticed that there was smoke and I looked to find that the cap was melting from my mirror on top of my iPad. Luckily, I caught it on time before I could make any damage to my iPad, but it was too late for my cap.

Childhood memories turned to accidental harm to my prized possession

I started to laugh shortly after because the Toy Story scene came to my mind when this happened, but I am honestly pretty bummed out that I burned it since it was my first ever MAC lipstick as well as a name brand/high end product that I ever bought, but I was able to save it. I consider this to be one of my prized possessions. It reminds me how far I have come on this makeup collection, addiction, and/or hoarding journey.

Here's a pic of what it looks like now. It still manages to close all the way, but I wanted to show you what the damage was.

I made a boo boo :( 

Maybe for this case, I need to utilize my educational and work tool called "strengths based." You basically take a negative characteristic or behavior and turn it into a positive. For example, we have a youth that is selling drugs, we say "they are good with money or they're an entrepreneur." So with that, I will have to say "this lipstick has character and is uniquely different from the rest." *I'll just keep telling myself that to make me feel better. LOL!*

I love having these mini fails or fun, quirky moments that happen because it keeps life fun and interesting. Also, it reminds me that I am doing this as a hobby, self-care, and sharing my interests with whomever is willing to take the time to read/follow me or my blog. 

Thanks for sticking this out with me and I hope you enjoyed it. Also, I hope you saw some colors that you were interested in and maybe this will help you to decide what to purchase next from MAC.

Me & SID!  
I hope you all are doing well and I am extremely excited to see how far this blog is going to get. I will now leave you will a semi-awkward photo of me and my new weapon "Sid" with aftermath of the swatches. 

Take care and see you next time!



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